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Re: Strange NFS behaviour

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 11:10:34PM +1000, Alex Samad wrote:
> I have just finished putting together a nfs server. and I am getting
> some strange results whilst testing it.
> I have a partition with a directory video with permissions set to 
> chown video.movies
> user alesx is a member of movies.
> on the nas box I can cd to the directory and create files.
> on a remote machine with this directory is mounted via nfs, when I
> enter into the directory and try and create a file I get permission
> denied.
> on the client machine the userids and the groups are setup the same !
> alex

Just to add some more information to this (i typed this up late last

I have 3 servers and 1 laptop. I am using ldap for my userid / password
info. I am using libnss-ldapd (fork of libnss-ldap)

I have a user alex who is a member of group movies

on the nas server

I have a directory
drwxrwsr-x  2 video movies   20 2008-06-27 07:23 tmp

if I go to this directory and try touch HEREIAM, a file is created

now when I go to machine multimedia, which has nas:/exports/video mount
as /exports/video and I try the same thing it works

when I go to my laptop, which has the same mounts and try the same thing
I get permission denied.  And the same error when i try it from the
other server hufpuf.

I did a tcp dump on the nas box watch everything except for port 22 and
ran the same tests on all the machine a NFS ok reply is sent back after
the create request !

I ran another test on the machines that gave me access denied, I went to
a local partition and created a directory with the same permissions as
/exports/video/tmp and tried to create a file in the same manor - it
worked on all the servers

I have also looked at the mount command options (fstab) and they are the
same. I have tried reboot the machines

I don't have selinux turned on

I have looked at package versions of


I have tried stracing this command "touch d", but all I can see is a
open request and a fail or ok on the respective servers.

I am at a bit of a loss where to look now :(

help !


> -- 
> "There's no such thing as legacies. At least, there is a legacy, but I'll never see it."
> 	- George W. Bush
> 01/31/2001
> speaking to Catholic leaders at the White House

"The trial lawyers are very politically powerful. ... But here in Texas we took them on and got some good medical -- medical malpractice."

	- George W. Bush
Waco, TX

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