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Setting up an IMAP server

I would like to set up an IMAP server. Dovecot looks easiest by Courier is 
also possible.

Presnet setup:

fetchmail -->exim4 -->procmail---> var/mail/user --> kmail, filters 
---> /home/user/Mail folders.

This would probably be OK if I stay logged into KDE. I might prefer not to 
always keep KDE running, however, so would want exim4/procmail to take care 
of the local delivery AND the filtering. The filtering sorts mail from 
certain mailing lists, i.e. this one, into individual folders. Stuff with 
spamassassin or clamav hits also goes to specific folders for inspection and 

Then, kmail locally and outlook at work would go through IMAP.

How do I go about this?

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