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silly little text problem

Hello all,

I've got a silly little problem that I can't seem to solve.

I normally do my letters and other writing in LaTex. 

My wife has a poem she wants typed up in a particular format:

First line unindented
	next four lines indented
next line unindented
	next four lines indented


next four lines unindented.

It goes on like that.

LaTex is very difficult for this sort of thing.  The only environment
that lets me get the layout right is one of the verbatim ones but then
its in Typewriter rather than another font.  She may also end up wanting
in a non-Latex font like Chancery.

I don't have any gnome stuff installed and I'm on dialup.  I don't want
to bring in tonnes of gnome libs just to install abiword.  Kword wants
to bring in mysql-common for some silly reason.

For such one-off little things, I just need a simple document prep
system that lets me control the layout and the fonts.  It does not need
to be WYSIWYG.  WordPerfect 4.2 would be just fine.  I don't want to
have to reinstall OS/2 on my 486 for this :).  Neither do I want to
install the whole OpenOffice.org stuff.

Any suggestions?


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