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Re: Debian on laptop

alfa beta wrote:
> After spending hours of reading about the Linux
> distributions and compatible hardware, I feel I get crazzy. I chose
> you because of your "Social Contract", though I'm not sure Debian is
> still updated, apologize, I couldn't find recent articles, I am a
> newbye. 

No, don't worry. Debian is more alive than ever! :-)

> Question:
> Could you recommend me a laptop model, with all details, which works
> completely, or perfectly with Debian? Including audio-video hardware,
> and hardware for connection to Internet (I'm on cable modem, UPC is my
> provider). 

I don't know about your cable modem-thingy, we Germans are more the
ADSL kind of guys, but the Linux/Debian-support for the IBM/Lenovo
Thinkpad series is outstanding. A minor drawback is the support for the
ATI graphics adapters, but newer models seem to use Intel and NVidia

> I don't need an expensive one. Perhaps an anti-glare, anti-reflex
> screen is needed because I'll have to read a lot. 

You won't get those terrible displays with Lenovo, but on the other
hand you'll have to pay for it. If you get lucky, you can find a cheap
notebook with great Linux support -- but with a Thinkpad you don't need
to search.

If I had to buy a new notebook right now, I'd check that there's much
Intel in it, because they actually pay people to develop (real) open
source drivers. First of all that's an ideological argument, but
despite that I find it that their drivers usually just work.

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