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Re: Cloning hda to new internal disk (was Re: [debian-user] How to copy a laptop HD?)

Ron Johnson wrote:
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On 05/20/08 15:55, Lee Glidewell wrote:
Have a look at partimage. Specifically you might be interested in the CloneZilla live distro. It's built specifically for the purpose of porting installations between hard disks.

In a similar vein to OP's question, I am going to buy a new boot
disk, because my hda is old enough -- and drives are cheap enough --
that I'd rather replace it before it fails.

So I checked out CloneZilla, but it seems to be aimed at
institutional use.  Even partimage seems to need an intermediary step.

Is there any way to directly clone /dev/hda to /dev/sdX, so that I
can then boot off of /dev/sdX?

If you can boot some live system, you can just partition your new disk, mount them all, copy all your files over, fix /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst, mount the new boot partition at /boot and run grub-install /dev/sda. With this approach, you are free to change your partitioning scheme.

Alternatively, if your new partitions have the same layout but larger, then you can use dd to clone each partition individualy, do a resize2fs on each of them, then fix fstab and menu.lst before running a grub-install.

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

ESPN makes baseball players better.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)



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