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Re: Firefox irresponsible

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 4:34 PM, Douglas A. Tutty <dtutty@porchlight.ca> wrote:
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 03:57:43PM +0200, Javier Barroso wrote:
> Since one week ago I'm noticing firefox is sometimes irresponsible during
> three or four seconds.

I think you mean nonresponsive, but I love the comment that
firefox/iceweasel is irresponsible.  Perhaps its web designers who are
Oh, sorry for my english, yes you understand it ;)

Run top in an xterm/rxvt/whatever with a 0.25 second delay.  You could
even run it in batch mode for 100 repititions and tee it to a file for
checking after the 4-second event.  Look for not just the CPU load for
that process, but CPU and IO load globally.
I'll do it the next time, thanks for the tip

> Somebody with the same problem ? Any workarround ?
I'm on dialup.  Its normal for me to wait for iceweasel to grab a page
and display it.
Well, firefox load pages fast, but sometimes It takes various seconds while I can't click any link / bookmark or google shortcut box

> I didn't install any plugin recently (only tamper data and developer
> extension installed on my iceweasel)

I don't know what they do.
Tamper helps you to track HTTP request (with possible changes 'on the fly'), and developer has many features interested

Good luck.
Thanks you

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