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Re: Clearing SWAP

2008/5/9 Ron Johnson <ron.l.johnson@cox.net>:
>> I'll stick with Debian. I don't need to get myself into anything even
>> more obscure than I currently use. In Israel, almost noone had even
>> heard of Linux. Except for the few lucky souls who drool over compiz
>> and then beg me to install Ubuntu for them.
> If they want eye-candy, OSX is more than adequate.  And has a
> no-username mode for those who can't comprehend multi-user, or why
> "my computer would need such a silly feature".

I just looked at an OS-X machine for the first time. It costs about
four times what a comparable machine that I build myself would cost.

>>>> I'm speechless.
>>> Were you born mute, or was it caused by an accident?
>> That is a dangerous comment to send. Try to guess what my disability
>> is. I'm not offended, but there are those who won't find that funny.
> And that's a perfect example of the political correctness which is
> one of the factors sending western civilization down history's crapper.

I'm not Western. But I do agree with the argument that the political
correctness does go to far, too often. Like said, I wasn't offended.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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