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Re: [OT] How to add fortune output to terminal

On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 8:08 PM, s. keeling <keeling@nucleus.com> wrote:
> Vikki Roemer <vikki.roemer@gmail.com>:
>  >  In my experience, I've never had fortune break scp, but maybe I've
>  >  just been lucky.
>  >
>  >  But, if it does cause problems, just remove it and add it to
>  >  .bash_profile instead.
>  .bash_profile is for setting up global env vars.  .bashrc is for doing
>  things for interactive ("login") sessions.  Batch jobs are not login
>  sessions.  xterm -ls is a login shell (runs your startup scripts).

Oh, ok.  I had them confused.  Sorry.

>  Cf. "su" vs. "su -".  The former gives user root privs with user's
>  env.  The latter runs root's startup scripts and clobbers the
>  user's process environment (in that child proc).

Ah.  I always wondered what the difference was.  (I always use 'su',
my classmates use 'su -')

Vikki Roemer

Registered Linux user #280021

"Sometimes the lights all shinin' on me;
Other times I can barely see.
Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip its been."
 -- Grateful Dead, "Truckin'"

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