Re: [Totally OT] Re: Hmmm. A question. Was [Re: Debian is losing its users]
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On 04/11/08 21:12, Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Friday 11 April 2008 05:19:08 pm Mark Allums wrote:
>> Paul Johnson wrote:
>> >>> Health care would be a big one.
>> >>
>> >> And taxes are much lower here, and the torte system so different,
>> >> and people so much more eager to sue.
>> >
>> > Depends on the country. In France, they pay less taxes, and with
>> > those taxes they get college and healthcare at no extra charge. We
>> > coulda done that ourselves over the last 8 years if the conservatives
>> > didn't think it to be more productive to flush it down the war...
>> Don't say conservatives. True conservatives were against the war. Say
>> "neocons".
> Oh, we're both totally in agreement with that. However, I'm not sure the
> difference between conservatives and neoconservatives is one with much
> distinction ever since the McCarthy backlash took the wind out of it's sails.
> Following that, the conservatives did what was left of themselves in by
> towing the line with the Neoconservatives when they started taking over
> starting with Nixon, and especially with Reagan. Lincoln certainly wouldn't
> recognize his own party in this day and age.
If you take /Neoconservative/ to mean "disillusioned anti-Communist
semi-Socialists", then you're correct, that's when they started
taking over the party.
- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA USA
We want... a Shrubbery!!
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