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Re: trans

On 10-Apr-08, at 12:02 PM, Dave Sherohman wrote:
On Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 07:56:16PM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
Actually you ARE allowed to pump diesel in Oregon; just not normal
petrol--go figure.

So if you drive a Mercedes 300D, you can pump your own fuel, but if
you drive a MB 300 you can't.

The filling station lobbyists in Oregon are brilliant!

Give 'em time...  I'm sure they'll eventually notice that diesel is no
longer the exclusive domain of "trained professionals" (i.e., truckers)
and adjust the law to exclude those who drive diesel vehicles without
proper training in the handling of dangerous fuels.

Nah, they'll just make everybody that drives a diesel buy a license and take a test every year....

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