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Re: Debian vs. the Eee PC

Mark Allums wrote:

I expect this has been covered before, but people undoubtedly have more experience with it now, and it won't hurt to discuss it again.

What variety of Linux is installed on the EeePC? Does it bear any relationship to Debian?

Have people been using Debian with/on the Asus EeePC? What issues have come up? Is installing it easy, hard?

Just wanted to add my few cents in. I am currently working on getting a low foot print Debian installed in the Asus Eepc for an in house erp/ workflow solution. Needs are usual office stuff, chatting (what is present on the device default basically) but using debian instead.

Will be posting the same some where online, will send the link once through (~total 1 month I expect)

The current system (Xandros) leaves only ~1.3GB for the user on the 4G device.

(for the curious, I do plan on using something like runit instead of init, amongst some other ideas .. was wondering if anybody has tips..)


Not got into the installation of the pc phase yet, But from what I saw, it should not be too hard.

How is the experience? Would a $400 budget laptop from Acer or somebody be a better choice? (Assume I can't use a Macbook Air, or other high-end ultra portable. For whatever reasons.)

Awesome, Super, Great, Wonderful!!

& its quick (and light)

some users who swore to use only XP, are now willing to switch.

Is the SSD on the basic/original model adequate?

Any other issues, beside the obvious?

Just on design issue, the mouse buttons on the track ball are on a single unit. So it is not immediately obvious, that the system has two buttons to the end user.

Comes with Xandros.

some issue, I have a usb cdma wireless internet device, which works with wvdial/ pon etc.

However these were not installed. I could find aptitude on it so it seems possible -- but the repo doesnt seem to be setup

with best regards

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