"You do know that Mono is not a Microsoft Product and its produced by FLOSS programmer. So its free software. I like free software. Its impementing an open standard. I like open standards. At least for now there is no patent claims, but I expect the SFLC, the PFLC and others to be on the look-out, So unless Gnome hacker are double-agents, there should be no issues." Yes, I am aware that mono is not a Microsoft product. I like free software and open standards, as well ;). Doesn't Novell develop mono? However, there is concern that it may infringe upon Microsoft IP. Am I too paranoid in my caution or concerns? I don't get straight answers when I put the question to mono devs and I am ridiculed as ignorant or a FUD-spreader, but as far as I see it - there is cause for concern. Writing is on the wall. Can anyone assure me and others far more "important" than I, that embracing mono is safe? Or, as I guess, liability does exist, and it's only a matter of time. Thus far all I see is supposition. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Thanks.
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