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Re: server security :: user accounts, ssh, passphrases, etc.

Russell L. Harris:
>     Such remote maintenance of the server from a machine in the LAN
>     becomes tedious unless there is on each machine an account with
>     the same username, password, and passphrase.

Not true. You can log into another machine with any username you want.
Either you provide it on the command line (user@host), or you configure
the username (and even the hostname) in your ~/.ssh/config. Using
public-key authentication on the server (which is a good anyway) you
don't even need to know the user's password on the remote system (once
you have your public key in place on the remote machine).

If I won the lottery I would keep all the money and wallpaper my house
with it.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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