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Re: Why Red Hat is the "business" distro

On 03/17/08 14:57, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Mon, March 17, 2008 7:29 am, Ron Johnson wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/03/16/AR2008031602168.html
>     Er, Ron?  Wrong C&P?  This links to an article about Spitzer.

No.  It's about the Price-placebo effect.

Am I the only one on this list who can see that people who think
that expensive wines and energy drinks are "better" than cheap wines
and energy drinks just might also think that expensive operating
systems are better than cheap operating systems?

- --
Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson LA  USA

Hey, agreed,
  This is not an article about Spitzer. It is an article about the price of a comodity, its perceived value and the relationship of these to the actual enjoyment/satisfaction with the product.
  Looks like the Spitzer mess either prompted the study or was tacked on to make this news 'edgy'.

  Relating this to Operating Systems:
  Pay for Windows - Cost me lots of money, must be good.
  Get Linux for free - Cost me nothing, probably not worth much.

  The study is trying to show that this is more than just a hunch or even an active thought process. This actually has an effect on the satisfaction center of the brain. You think it's good, so your body acts/reacts as if it is making it somewhat self fulfilling.
  Playing out their conclusions to make Ron's point: RedHat linux is a hit in business _because_ it costs more than normal (free) distros not in spite of it.


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