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Gedit/LaTeXPlugin/XDvi & Reverse Search


Anyone had any success using reverse search with Gedit + LaTeXPlugin? I use xdvi to view the DVI file.

Compiling to DVI with "Source Specials" seems to work OK. Xdvi comes up and does not complain about missing Source Spesials when I CTRL left-click in the DVI file. However, nothing happens when I do so, gedit does not skip to another line in the latex-file.

It seems that LaTeXPlugin uses a complicated dbus-send command to make gedit skip to the correct line lumber. This command can be seen by choosing "Edit" on the DVI (Source Specials) compilation option in the LaTeXPlugin config options. I have included it below.

When trying the dbus-send command manually in an xterm, with an extra
--print-reply option to get more info, I get e.g. the following error when trying to get gedit to skip to line no.10:

$ dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.gedit.LaTeXPlugin
/org/gedit/DBusInterface org.gedit.LaTeXPluginIFace.inverse
string:/home/tmac/SNLS/SNLS2.tex int32:10

Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Python.exceptions.AttributeError: Traceback
(most recent call last):
File "/var/lib/python-support/python2.4/dbus/service.py", line 696, in
retval = candidate_method(self, *args, **keywords)
"/home/tmac/.gnome2/gedit/plugins/LaTeXPlugin/ipc/DBusController.py", line
45, in inverse
AttributeError: 'WindowHelper' object has no attribute

I'm using Debian Unstable, Latex Pluging v0.1.3.1, gedit v2.20.4-1.

Best regards
Torquil Sørensen

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