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Re: diff files matching a pattern

Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
Let's say I have two directories dir1, dir2 each with 1000 files.
Of these 1000 files in each directory, there are 50 files named file1.txt,
file2.txt ... file50.txt. The rest of the files do not follow any pattern
and are very large in size.

Now is there any way to compare

dir1/file1.txt and dir2/file1.txt
dir1/file2.txt and dir2/file2.txt
dir1/file50.txt and dir2/file50.txt

Manually diffing the files 50 times is cumbersome. Something like

diff dir1/file*.txt dir2/file*.txt

is what I am after. I do not want to do

diff -r dir1 dir2

since that compares the other 950 files as well besides the 50 files that I
want. Any idea how to achieve this in the most generic fashion? Has anyone
done this kind of thing before?

for i in `seq 1 50`; do diff dir1/file$i.txt dir2/file$i.txt > diff$i.txt ; done

For details on for, se man bash.

He had occasional flashes of silence that made his conversation perfectly
		-- Sydney Smith


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