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Re: su doesn't work "Authentication failure"

paul <google@pcwehle.de> writes:
> It is possible to do 'su someuser' from root but it's not possible to
> get back to root then using just 'su' or change from a normal user to
> another user account.

[ . . . ]

> Jan 31 15:44:18 myserver su[27729]: (pam_unix) authentication failure;
> logname= uid=1000 euid=1000 tty=pts/4 ruser=myuser rhost=  user=root

The "euid=1000" should read "euid=0": your "su" is running as the
invoking user, so it fails for non-root users.  The most likely
explanation is that "/bin/su" doesn't have the setuid flag set, so
that would be the first thing to check.  (If the setuid bit *is* set,
the problem may be that your root partition has been mounted with the
"nosuid" mount flag or something.)

If you have a logical explanation for the missing bit, great,
otherwise good security practice would suggest that you give a little
thought before restoring setuid bits on files where it has
mysteriously disappeared.  If your version of the "login" package is
the latest official Etch version 1:, then "md5sum /bin/su"
should give:

     1381ae1ac77b512258657b096522bb6a  /bin/su

If your Etch version matches mine but the md5 doesn't, you might start
to get pretty worried.

Kevin Buhr <buhr+debian@asaurus.net>

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