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Re: Log analysis

On Thu, Jan 31, 2008 at 12:04:01PM +0100, Adrian Chapela wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a centralized log server with syslog-ng. Now I am looking for a 
> log analysis Web GUI. Know you some one ?

Aptitude knows:

$ aptitude search '~Gsecurity::log-analyzer'
p   acidbase                        - Basic Analysis and Security Engine        
p   analog                          - web server log analyzer                   
p   anteater                        - MTA log analyser written 100% in C++      
p   awffull                         - web server log analysis program           
p   awstats                         - powerful and featureful web server log ana
p   crm114                          - The Controllable Regex Mutilator and Spam 
p   fwanalog                        - firewall log-file report generator (using 
p   fwlogwatch                      - Firewall log analyzer                     
p   graphdefang                     - create graphs of your mimedefang spam and 
p   icmpinfo                        - Interpret ICMP messages                   
p   ip2host                         - Resolve IPs to hostnames in web server log
p   isoqlog                         - Mail Transport Agent log analysis program 
p   jdresolve                       - fast alternative to apache logresolve     
p   lire                            - full-featured log analyzer and report gene
p   logtool                         - Syslog-style logfile parser with lots of o
p   logtools                        - Russell's misc tools for managing log file
p   logwatch                        - log analyser with nice output written in P
p   lwatch                          - A simple log colorizer                    
p   mergelog                        - Merges httpd log files by date            
p   modlogan                        - A modular logfile analyzer                
p   pflogsumm                       - Postfix log entry summarizer              
p   prelude-lml                     - Hybrid Intrusion Detection System [ Log Mo
p   prom-mew                        - procmail reader for Mew                   
p   rmagic                          - Report Magic for Analog                   
p   sarg                            - squid analysis report generator           
p   squidtaild                      - Squid log monitoring program              
p   squidview                       - monitors and analyses squid access.log fil
p   swatch                          - Log file viewer with regexp matching, high
p   syslog-summary                  - Summarize the contents of a syslog log fil
p   tcpxtract                       - extracts files from network traffic based 
p   tenshi                          - log monitoring and reporting tool         
p   tua                             - The UUCP Analyzer                         
p   uutraf                          - an UUCP traffic analyzer and cost estimato
p   visitors                        - fast web server log analyzer              
p   wflogs                          - The modular firewall log analyzer of the W
p   wwwstat                         - httpd logfile analysis package            
p   xwatch                          - A logfile monitor that displays in an X wi

Some of them are probably useful.

Tzafrir Cohen         | tzafrir@jabber.org | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
tzafrir@cohens.org.il |                    |  best
ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend

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