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Re: Problem with console and locales

On 22/01/2008, Alejandro Aguila Sainz wrote:
> Hi, I have a problem with my console, I changed my locales by using
> dpkg-reconfigure locales but now the console is not taking all the
> characters, I'm from Mexico so I use locales es_MX UTF-8, and console can't
> see or type acents, if someone can help me would be great! Thanks.

Dear Alejandro,

While this may not be helpful, I would just want you to check if the
font you are using for your console supports the characters you want.
Earlier, I faced similar problems which vanished when I chose the
right font. Try DejaVu Sans Mono, for instance.



Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600036

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