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Re: [OT] where is conio.h with getch()?

Sergio Cuéllar Valdés wrote:
2008/1/19, Hugo Vanwoerkom <hvw59601@care2.com>:

In looking around after Kent's question on key presses I found getch()
and putch() and the manual (from 1986) says that they are in conio.h.

But that's no longer around.

That means getch() and putch() have gone away? In favor of what?


as I know, conio.h does not belong to the C standard library. So you
cannot compile a program with it in GNU/Linux or other flavor of Unix.

Take a look to ncurses [1],

[1] http://www.gnu.org/software/ncurses/

Thanks, Sergio. But using that version of getch() wanted all sorts of other ncurses routines. You couldn't just use getch().


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