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Re: chown all files on a data drive

Chris Howie <cdhowie@gmail.com> wrote:
On Jan 5, 2008 6:54 AM, dave N < drn_temp2@rogers.com> wrote:
I used to run Fedora and now all the files on my data drives are uid 500 and gid 500.
As root I've set the permissions for the drive (loaded under /share/other) to be owned by root but the group to be users.  this didn't get recursively filtered down.
Now under Debian the same user name and password I'd previously had are uid 1000 and gid 1000. Though I can access the files on the drive I can't do anything with them except as root.
How can I rectify this? chown -R 1000:1000?
This'll cause problems with the lost+found as well as any .Trash folders, should I then change the uids and gids back?

I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to accomplish.  If you want everyone to have access to the drive you can do something like:

# chown -R root:root /share/other
# chmod -R o+rwX /share/other

If you only want your user account to have access then something like:

# chown -R youruser /share/other
# chown root:root /share/other
# chown root:root /share/other/lost+found

Chris Howie 
Thanks Chris.
Why would I leave the owner and group of all of the files and folders as root? Why not root:users? Should the lost+found remain root:root and u -rw g-rw.
There aren't many / any executable files so I'm not too worried about playing with the execute bit.
This is only a single user machine but I have another that I am switching over to Debian which will have a couple users, same group, and access to the same files.

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