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Re: Env var on the fly

On Sat, Sep 29, 2007 at 08:23:59AM -0700, Francesco Pietra wrote:
> Having defined (in my .bashrc) the environmental variables for computing suites
> X and Y (PATH to them) it happens - because of some bug in X - that on running
> certain programs of Y, executables of X are called (and of course not found).
> If I undefine the env var X, all programs of Y run perfectly.
> Is any simple way to define the env var X on the fly, when X is needed, without
> having to use X as another user? (which would overcomplicate the matter because
> there is an scp link from the computing machine to and from a desktop, where I
> am).

export X="blah"

or do you need it to happen automatically? in which case your
application needs to do this. 


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