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Re: Twinview Monitor Issues (Monitor #s and Resolution)

On Monday 25 June 2007, Bob Proulx wrote:
> Hal Vaughan wrote:
> > 1) Is there a way to tell my NVidia card or xorg.conf to recognize
> > the widescreen as my first screen?
> See the nvidia driver document:
>   /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.gz
>         Option "TwinViewOrientation" "string"
>                 Controls the relationship between the two display
> devices when using TwinView.  Takes one of the following values:
> "RightOf" "LeftOf" "Above" "Below" "Clone".  Please see APPENDIX I
> for details. Default: string is NULL.

That doesn't effect it.  It changes the position, but even when the 
monitors were swapped (as in left for right), it didn't change the 
display numbers.

I don't mean first as in leftmost, I mean as in the display number, 
since it seems certain things always come up on monitor #1.

Thanks anyway, though.


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