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Waking up server during boot prevents NFS mounts after upgrade to etch

Because my server is not running all the time, clients that want to mount NFS volumes use a small initscript during boot to wake up the server if necessary. After upgrading the clients from sarge to etch, mounting NFS volumes does not work anymore if the server wasn't up already.

The initscript is called /etc/rcS.d/S41wakeupserver during boot, i.e. after networking and before portmap and mountnfs.sh. It uses ping to wait until the network is accessible. Then, if ping still fails because the server does not respond, wakeonlan is used to wake up the server. Then, again ping is used to wait until the server responds - or the operation times out.

I understand that in etch, NFS mounts are performed as soon as the interface becomes available. But disabling asynchronous mounts (ASYNCMOUNTNFS=no) does not help. It just keeps the clients from waiting for 90 seconds before giving up on the NFS mounts.

It takes the server about 1 minute to boot. If the server is up before the client boots, NFS mounts work fine. With or without asynchronous mounting. So, may be I have some sort of a timing problem?

What has changed from sarge to etch that makes my NFS mounts fail? How do I have to change my initscript?

Thanks in advance, Malte

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