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Re: skype and amd64

Marcelo Chiapparini wrote:

> Hello,
> I am running etch in a amd64 machine. I need skype running on it,
> because my co-workers uses skype in their windows worlds...
> How can I get skype running in amd64+etch? I googled the web, but the
> information is out of data (refers to the q3 libs, and the new version
> of skype needs q4). The search in debian-lists archives doesn't work
> Thanks in advance
> Marcelo
Hi Marcelo,
Skype's support for linux is rubbish and no 64 support shown on their
website so you can,
install the 32bit version and run it with chroot or convince your windows
friends to download install a sip client of which there are many that run
on windows (sjphone and wengophone come to mind). I think ekiga has a
windows version if you/they want to do video as well. Why use a proprietary
protocol when there's an open one for everyone?
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