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ulogd postgreSQL module problem

I'm trying to configure ulogd to put iptables log into postgreSQL, but i can't make ulogd to insert data into the database. tail -f /var/log/ulog/syslogemu.log tell me that ulogd is receiving ip details from iptables but in ulogd logfile i get:

Thu Jun 14 00:59:15 2007 <7> ulogd_PGSQL.c:216 sql error during insert:
ERROR:  syntax error at or near ")"
LINE 1: insert into public.ulog ) values )

and in postgreSQL log i get:

2007-06-14 00:59:15 CEST ERROR:  syntax error at or near ")" at character 25

postgreSQL configuration in ulogd config file is correct infact i can log in using the same username and password.
ulogd-pgsql packet is installed.
Any hints?


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