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Re: set up MUA under only has console system

On Sun, Jun 03, 2007 at 04:49:42AM +0000, rocky wrote:
> Hey,
> I installed debian etch on my old pc. Right now I can not set up the
> GUI. I'm wondering is that possible I could set up my computer be able
> to read email within it? If it is possible which package should I use?
> Do they have a manual coming with them?
> BTW, I do not have static IP address for my computer.
Unix system like Gnu/Linux and *BSD have many types of tools: GUI ones
and command-line tools. An example of some command-line email reading
tools (commonly called 'mua's -- mail user agents) is:
mutt, muttng, pine, and gnus. Lots of folks here use mutt, including me.
Although, it is very useful to learn command-line editors also like pico,
joe, vi, vim or emacs as these are used to edit your mail messages.
All debian programs include documentation in /usr/share/doc/PROGRAMNAME
and a 'man' page (like 'man mutt' for mutt info). 'man' pages are terse
and take a while to read well, so be patient. Or just ask more questions
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