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Re: Since chvt works, the problem must be the keymap

Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> Amy, I was helping you with this and then got distracted.
> Did you resolve this issue at all?

Unfortunately, no (and I also got somewhat distracted and
just came across this message). Basically, at this point I
think I could kludge together a quick fix for this if I
could figure out how to give my regular user account
permission to access chvt, but I haven't gotten around to
booking up on permissions so that I can make it SUID root or
something (though, actually, that would probably not be the
smartest idea ever because I'd rather have relatively few
SUID root items lying around my hard drive). Anyway, if you
have any thoughts on this I'd appreciate hearin' them.
Thanks a lot!

Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > Do you have a customited xmodmap?

Yes, but I don't change any of the F-whatever keys in it.
Basically, all I do with xmodmap is move some modifiers
around (putting Control where Caps is, adding a Hyper key,
etc.). Also, I have tried starting X up without loading
that, and still had the problem. I appreciate the thought,
however. Thanks!


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