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Re: Dual Head RADEON MergedFB, overlay causes shimmer on screen0

Bob wrote:
When I playback video with mplayer (vo=xv), visit a site with animated flash advertising or watch a clip on youtube, my primary screen, (right hand side analogue over DVI, CRT 1600x1200@85Hz) shimmers, my secondary screen, (left hand side, analogue over VGA D-sud 15, LCD 1280x1024@60Hz) stays steady as a rock.

This still happens if I drop the resolution and frequency of my CRT to 1280x1024@60 but it clears up if I disable MergedFB and use xinerama.

I have a Radeon 9250 (RV280) and I'm using the Open source RADEON driver (xorg.conf has Driver "ati" specified but that loads RADION) and I'm running Etch with Xfce with everything stock from apt (except flash, eww I feel dirty now).

Sorry bad form, replying to myself again, but I thought I'd post an update in case this comes up in a search, the problem doesn't occur with my Radeon 9000 (R250) or my Radeon 9800Pro (R350 which also doesn't have the irritating 1536 pixel with limit on xv video overlay, I can watch the Elephants Dream clip in full 1920x1080 but only just with my AthlonXP 3200)

I'm a bit baffled as to what's causing this, I've tried tinkering with various driver options to no avail, neither my older or my newer cards exhibit the behavior but some guy on another thread claims to have the same problem with an ATI x1950 pro, I get it with my Radeon 9250 using any kind of overlay vx, x11 even -vo gl2.

As a side note the OpenGL video output driver overcomes the 1536 pixel with limit on xv video overlay with these older Radeons, it's more demanding on processor time, but it should be possible to use one of these graphics cards with a decent dual core processor to playback 1080p HD video on an untainted AMD system, (anyone know where I can get a Asrock 939 dual SATA2 MotherBoard) without having to prescale the video, (like gmplayer -fs -vo xv -vf scale=1536,pp=lb /home/bob/media/video/Elephants_Dream_HD.avi) which if you're lucky enough to have a 1080p display you won't want to do. (I don't but I can run my CRT at 2048x1536 to test playback of HD content)

If anyone has any bright ideas (preferably polite ones) about what's causing or how to cure the shimmer I'd love to hear them.


Garrr, do your bit for global warming, become a pirate, you can "borrow" my copy of Windows 95 if you want.

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