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Re: Can't mount pen drive

Greg Folkert wrote:
On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 14:26 -0300, Cassiano Bertol Leal wrote:
Greg Folkert wrote:
On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 08:43 -0700, Marc Shapiro wrote:
That was probably copied from the Sarge installation that used to be on this box. I thought that I had used the pen drive since I converted to Etch, but it is possible that I had not. If so, then where should I check to find the correct drive designation to use since dmesg does not give me that information?
I don't even have ANY fstab entries for things like thumb drives or

Do you have these packages installed?

        hal udev dbus pmount cryptsetup hal-device-manager eject

Its all I have and the system auto-magically auto-mounts them. Any deps
should be auto-magically installed. And I am also running 2.6.18 on my
daughter's machine and she has friends come in and reads their stuff
without problems.

So, mayeb you have all these... you might want to reinstall them with or
at least extract the packages somewhere (safe) and look at the configs
and maybe see any problem.
It looks to me as if you're missing the module that will create the /dev/sda (or whatever) device. I had this same problem with a custom-build kernel where I had stripped down a SCSI thing and it wouldn't work. Recompiled the same kernel with this extra module and voilà: life was beautiful again.

Since I am not at home right now and I'm stuck in windoze at work, can't help you any further. But that might give you some direction....

The modules are auto-loaded when you plug the damn thing in. It is what
HAL and UDEV and DBUS and all the "watching" daemons are designed to DO.

I basically installed those things I mentioned. It did just work after
that. The system loads the usb-storage and mod_scsi stuff without fail.
It shows up n the desktop without fail. It just plain works without

If you want to argue about this NOT being the fix or the cause, please
just ignore my response then.

No, I will most certainly not argue about this not being the fix for the cause. Especially since Marc stated that he's using a stock kernel, which should have all needed modules by default.

If it works, yours is probably the most elegant solution, since it will save him from manually loading the modules, but he might as well be willing to do so.

Cassiano Leal

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