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Re: UUID vs /dev

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Greg Folkert wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 19:13 +0200, Joe Hart wrote:
>> Greg Folkert wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> How about posting it here?
>>> ---------------------------------------------
>>> # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
>>> #
>>> #<file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
>>> proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
>>> # /dev/hda3
>>> UUID=456600fd-b794-4931-8703-bded8a1902bc / xfs defaults 0 1
>> Wow, you run XFS on your root file system!  I wouldn't dare do something
>> like that.  I learned that XFS is good for large files, but most of what
>> sits on / are small files.  I also learned that it was a bit unstable if
>> power is suddenly lost.
> Disclaimer: Filesystem format wars are over. Use what you want, I could
> not care less about it. What follows is personal experience. Deal with
> it. Thanks. Greg.

Not a war, an actual question from a noob.  One can never always trust
what they read, especially about GNU/Linux because there is a lot of
dated information available.

> No more unstable than EXT3 or JFS, MUCH better than ReiserFS (v3.5 or
> 3.6, won't try v4.0). I've found XFS to be a much better FS than any
> I've really tried for a long time. I've been using it (personally == not
> work critical) for years... hmmm 2.4.12-xfs (could be .13 or .14) I
> believe. I've had zero barfings with XFS since then. Anytime it (XFS) is
> interrupted and shutdown uncleanly it has been fine and recovered very
> well... including when writing.

Hmm, interesting.
> The Big file vs Small file thing... I regularly have 100K+ <1K files in
> single directories and XFS holds up just fine. Of course it also holds
> up well with 200 4GB+ files.

Nice to know, because I was considering using XFS, but was leary of it.

> In fact, while writing this e-mail, we had a power outage. A squirrel
> got popped in-between a couple of over-head wires, knocking the main
> fuses at the end of the street. Evolution auto-saved this e-mail just
> before it and all XFS file systems I have at home came up no problem.

Even better to know.

>>   That of course is not an issue when one has a good UPS.
> Never used one on my workstations. Now my machine downstairs auto-shuts
> when power left is less than 5 minutes.

I don't use one either, but then again, I have pretty reliable power.
In the 6 years I have lived here, only one power outage.

>> I was going to post my /etc/fstab which uses UUID, but since you already
>> did, there is no point.
> Sure there is a point, the more examples in the list, the better the
> chances someone will find them.

OK, then I'll post mine here.  Nothing like filling up the archive. ;-)

Sorry if the lines get wrapped, that's kind of the beef about UUID in
the first place.  This file was created by the rebuildfstab script.

- --
# /etc/fstab: static file system information
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump> <pass>

UUID=dcf9fba0-4e1d-4d13-a369-58d15d915e44  /   ext3    defaults   0 1
UUID=bb451098-e1d3-4678-b8a7-e18be582356d  /home ext3  defaults   0 1

# added by sidux
UUID=ce6ec022-6027-42c0-95a1-b23b19b2ed64       /media/sda1     ext3
noauto,users,exec    0 0

# added by sidux
UUID=dc8699d6-d65c-4c50-8354-32606db21159       /media/sda2     ext3
noauto,users,exec    0 0

# added by sidux
UUID=83fe8980-3ae7-48ce-ab0c-7bbf96c4eac2       none    swap    sw      0 1

# added by sidux
UUID=66d6bb59-5eb4-41a8-82f7-a71b441af339       /media/sda6     ext3
noauto,users,exec    0 0

# added by sidux
UUID=d212a0d5-8248-4e09-a141-c26d4ac41dd0       /media/sda9     ext3
noauto,users,exec    0 0

# added by sidux
/dev/cdrom      /media/cdrom    udf,iso9660     user,noauto     0 0
- --
Sorry if the lines get wrapped, that's kind of the beef about UUID in
the first place.  This file was created by the rebuildfstab script.

- --
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