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Re: Irresponsible user stories!

On 4/23/07, Michael Pobega <pobega@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 23, 2007 at 03:25:20PM -0500, Gnu_Raiz wrote:
> [ Snip Story ]

That's pretty awesome, one of the best stories I've heard in a long
while. Did you end up figuring out who this person is, or not? I would
have had a look through his browser history and cookies to check out
where he visits, and gotten him in trouble; Honestly, I don't mind if
people look at porn and stuff, but doing it on a public computer and
denying other people access is definitely out of the question.

Bah.  The people who should be in trouble here are the folks who don't
know how to set up a lab properly in a college (read: hostile)
computing environment.

Those machines shouldn't be capable of booting from outside media,
should re-image themselves regularly (possibly at each boot) and
should be severely locked-down to only do the things approved in that

I wouldn't even call it an "interesting" story.  Crud like that has
been happening in college computer labs for decades.

With appropriate changes, the lab admins would have known the second
someone took a machine offline, and should have immediately approached
and stopped the student from loading Linux on the box, if that wasn't
the box's intended purpose.

It's just another bad college lab admin story, is all it is.

Welcome to college... if they don't respect their own network enough
to protect it from people reloading machines, it probably shows what
kind of engineering and work they do protecting both your
network-saved data and your personal information in the main systems
in the University too -- if it's the same admins.  In many schools it
is not.

Buy your own machine, and keep it heavily firewalled with all outside
services shut off, if you ever even THINK about plugging it into that


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