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Re: Whats happened to my psuedo ttys

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Alan Chandler wrote:
> On Monday 16 April 2007 22:29, Alan Chandler wrote:
>> I've just upgraded my Debian Sid system, and now when I try and start
>> konsole (in KDE) it fails saying it is unable to open a PTY.
>> Is this a udev problem or something else?
> I presume by the deafening silence that this isn't a problem that is 
> hitting everyone else out there.
> Can someone at least tell me which init script is supposed to set up the 
> psuedo ttys so I can try and figure out why it isn't happening.

I would bet that your video driver is causing this.  Did you recently
install ati's fglrx?  The ttys, are started in the init script and
should be available from boot.  But sometimes X will trap the keyboard
so you can't get to them.

I would start by not booting into X and see if it works, then you can
better isolate what is causing your problem.  I am still betting it is


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