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Re: Settings Save Error

Michael, Andrei & others,

mp> Well before blaming permissions have you checked your disk space?

ap> 'df -h' will give you a nice summary with all filesystems.

peter@joule:~$ df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2             2.2G  1.6G  453M  78% /
tmpfs                  63M     0   63M   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                   10M   64K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs                  63M  8.0K   63M   1% /dev/shm
/dev/hda4             384M  181M  183M  50% /home

Disk space appears to be ample.

There is no problem when Xfce4 is used rather than 
tightvnc.  I wonder whether it was a conflict 
between the two.  I've lost interest in the problem 
for now.  If I return to tightvnc, will notice 
whether the problem surfaces again.

Thanks for the ideas,     ... Peter

Desktops.OpenDoc  http://carnot.pathology.ubc.ca/

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