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Re: iceweasel/iceape/epiphany/galeon download manager problems (etch)

Ananda Samaddar wrote:
On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 19:03:43 +0200
"Andreas Goesele" <Goesele@hfph.mwn.de> wrote:


having moved from sarge to etch I now have a big problem with the
browsers in the subject line: Downloading a page is incredibly slow or
even makes the browsers hang:

In all case it takes a long time for the download manager to start and
saving too is very slow. With firefox (iceweasel) I once experienced a
freeze, galeon and epiphany freeze with every attempt to save.

My suspicion is that the download manager reads first my home
directory - which is huge - and for that reason takes long to
start. But under sarge this wasn't a problem and other programs too
manage to open my home directory in a reasonable time.

Any suggestions?

Thanks a lot in advance!

Andreas Goesele

Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur et non datur,
nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est.
                                      Augustinus, De doctrina christiana

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I heard somewhere (can't remember where) that it may be to do with ipv6 support in Mozilla.  Try disabling it.  Typing 'about:config' in the address bar will get you to the configuration options.  You should be able to find the option from there.


After about:config <Enter>
type 'dns' in the filter space and choose


right click on it and Toggle the value to read:


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