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Re: preferred mail setup to let users decide on using spamassassin or not

Andrew Sackville-West schreef:

> yup. although for end-user control, i'd probably stick with something
> like 3 or 4. Set up some default controls for maildrop and then let
> the user customise as they like. I'd rather not let the user control
> fetch/getmail, but that's just me. 
> You might, depending on volume, use something like a combination of 2
> and 3/4. Setup fairly loose site-wide spam and av controls and then
> show the users how to tighten it up with maildrop recipes if they
> want. That would somewhat minimise the noise getting to the users and
> then allow then to control how much more they want.
> my .02
> A

Thanks for your input Andrew.
I now have my mailsystem setup with getmail and this requires the users
to have a getmailrc file that gets their email from the isp.

So they have the possibility to use/or not use the virus & spam checking.
However, i can enforce a systemwide virusscan via the /etc/maildroprc
file so that even when they would delete the virus filter in their
getmail setup, it's still done nonetheless.


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