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Re: How to use dead keys

On 4/11/07, steef <steefvanduin@zonnet.nl> wrote:
Manon Metten wrote:
> Linux debian 2.6.18-4-486 #1 Mon Mar 26 16:39:10 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
> Hi,
> I want to be able to insert accented chars, like àáäèéëìíïòóöùúü by
> means of the keyboard.
> I've googled and spent several hours trying to figure out how, but
> with no result.
> The above accented chars I've entered with KCharSelect but that's not
> very convenient if you use them a lot.
> I've read something about dead keys, but don't know how to use them.
> The settings in 'Control Center - Keyboard Layout' are:
> Keyboard model: Generic 104-key PC
> Layout: US English
> Keymap: us
> Layout variant: default
> I've tried various settings, but with no result.
> Although Dutch is my native language, I like US English to stay the
> default language on my system.
> I prefer eg. US 'Cancel' over NL 'Annuleren' or US 'File' over NL
> 'Bestand' etc.
> /etc/locale.gen reads:
> en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
> en_US ISO-8859-1
> nl_NL.UTF-8 UTF-8
> nl_NL@euro ISO-8859-15
> When I type locale in a console, the output is:
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"
> LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"
> LC_PAPER="en_US.UTF-8"
> LC_NAME="en_US.UTF-8"
> Any help appreciated, Manon.

  hi manon,

if you are using KDE:

do in a konsole :


go to Regional & Accessability

and then to

Keyboard Layout.

enable keyboard layouts,

and if you use  an U.S English keyboard

activitate with a mouse-click U.S. English

down at the same column (kolom )

click on layout variant and change that variant into:


hope this helps,,



Hi Steef,

I already tried this. It's  not what I mean.
Changing to 'intl'  gives me access to only some accented chars but not by means of dead keys.

On my old Amiga I was used to access an accented char by pressing a dead key and then the appropriate vowel. Eg: ALT-F + a = á; ALT-F + e = é; ALT-G + a = à; ALT-G + e = è; etc.
The same applies to the other vowels and other accents.
This of course only valid for the ASCII char set of which all accented chars range from 192 - 255.

So basically, what I want is to press a dead key and than a vowel to produce an accented char.
How do I achieve this?

Greetings, Manon.

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