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Re: network problem on a dell machine

Thilo Six <T.Six@gmx.de> writes:

> hmm
> let us summarize
> you are able to establish http connections via telnet?
> (you received the plain html code in terminal?)

http is only possible when i use a proxy. Currently i've set http_proxy
to a neighbour machine, namely (by using
tinyproxy in debian)

Also, one more thing i'd like to mention, when i install debian on this
machine, i try to install sid via internet. The weird thing is that it's
unable to download packages from internet. I've even waited one day to
see whether it would work. But suprisingly, it just stops at the step
trying to download packages, no progress, no error too. Looks like it
has fallen into some strange loop.

While, again, after i set a http proxy first, it starts installing
quickly and successfully.

> you said you can ping google.com?
> -> name resolution works

Yes. And ping everything looks okay.

> your mtu looks fine
> ..but you are not able to browse?
> What error does it give you actually?
> timeout?

Connection has been reset.

> These other machines in that network that ones which do work do they have the
> same hardware (nic)?

The one with the same hardware also has this problem first, then he has
switched to ubuntu 6.06(kernel seems 2.6.15).

> What gives you
> sysctl -a | grep window_scaling
> and compare that with the working ones.

,----[ sudo sysctl -a | grep window_scaling ]
| error: "Success" reading key "dev.parport.parport0.autoprobe3"
| error: "Success" reading key "dev.parport.parport0.autoprobe2"
| error: "Success" reading key "dev.parport.parport0.autoprobe1"
| error: "Success" reading key "dev.parport.parport0.autoprobe0"
| error: "Success" reading key "dev.parport.parport0.autoprobe"
| error: "Operation not permitted" reading key "net.ipv4.route.flush"
| error: "Invalid argument" reading key "fs.binfmt_misc.register"
| net.ipv4.tcp_window_scaling = 1

Oh, his machine is unreachable for me currently..

> ...and just in case, your kernel isn´t home brewed?


All in all, I doubt there are some network related flaws between linux
kernel and the dell machine. I think i might try another kernel with
different version later.


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