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Re: Etch released.

On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 08:29:55PM +0200, Helmut Sennewald wrote:
> Hello,
> Is it necessary to download all 3 DVD-ISO-images just to install this
> version?
> I am wondered a little bit because other distributions have only one
> Are on DVD-2 and DVD-3 only sources?


The full DVD set includes absolutly everything in the debian system.
Usefull if you need to make DVDs to take to install on computers on a
desert island :)

Normally, the best approach is to burn the one netinst.iso CD.  It
contains the installer and the base system so that even without an
internet connection, you can get a minimal system installed.  However,
either during or after install, you can select additional packages or
tasks (e.g. desktop) for installation; and these will be downloaded from
the debian mirror as required.

Since I'm on a slow dial-up link, I always burn CD1 of any new release.
It contains everything the netinst has, plus the installation
documentation, plus the most popular packages.

Your choice.


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