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Re: Replacing a HD

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Frank McCormick wrote:
>   I have had suggestions ranging from dd to pcopy and even rsync on
> mounted drives. Still not sure the way to go. But thanks to all for the
> suggestions.
> Cheers
> Frank

You can expect that.  There are a multitude of ways to accomplish the
same tasks, and people have preferences that are different than others.
 If you don't know what you're doing, and don't know the commands, then
I can see how it would be difficult to know which path of advice to
take.  You have a choice, research the commands given and pick one, or
blindly pick one and hope that it is good for you.

I will add to your confusion and tell you another way.  You can use
partimage to take a snapshot of a whole partition and then restore that
snapshot to a new drive.

As for booting the new drive, you need to write a MBR on the new drive
so that it knows which partition to boot.  Lilo instructions were given
earlier in this thread.  You didn't say which you used so I will give
you instructions for grub (the # and grub> are prompts):

grub>root (hd0,0)
grug>setup (hd0)

This is assuming that /dev/hda1 is what you want to boot.  Increase the
second number accordingly for other partitions, for example /dev/hda3
would be (hd0,2).

Now if I were you, I'd keep the old drive and use it as a slave so that
you have even more space.  Good luck.

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