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Re: Beautifying Debian Etch

Jakub Narojczyk wrote:
eklektik napisał(a):

I installed Etch recently, with the help of the good people of this mailing list. Now, it works perfectly, but I hate its look. So I decided that I completely redesign the desktop. Now the work is complete and I wrote a short article in my blog about the redesign process. The article includes screenshots and original artworks. Do you like the redesign? You can read the article here.



Now you can have a huge leap forward in email:* get the new Yahoo! Mail.* <http://us.rd.yahoo.com/evt=40705/*http://mrd.mail.yahoo.com/try_beta?.intl=ca>

In beautifying the desktop You can also use Quingy ( http://qingy.sourceforge.net/ )

In Sid: apt-get install qingy

insted of gdm. It's more themable, I
think, than gdm and it's certenly much lighter than gdm. If You want to have system monitor for cpu usage and other statystics then conky (http://conky.sourceforge.net/) is Your best choise.

apt-get install conky


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