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ext3 Partition 6GB less than underlying logical volume even after resizing using resize2fs


I got a Server Installed with LVM by a third party.

the /var/www is on LV /dev/vg1/www

df -h Shows  /var/www is only 394 GB
whereas lvdisplay shows /dev/vg1/www to be 400 GB

websrv-1:/var/www# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             1.9G  139M  1.7G   8% /
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                   10M   40K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             274M   24M  237M   9% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg1-home  2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /home
/dev/mapper/vg1-tmp   2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg1-usr   5.0G  265M  4.8G   6% /usr
/dev/mapper/vg1-var    10G  190M  9.9G   2% /var
/dev/mapper/vg1-log    31G   45M   31G   1% /var/log
/dev/mapper/vg1-www   394G  199M  374G   1% /var/www
websrv-1:/var/www# lvdisplay /dev/vg1/www
 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Name                /dev/vg1/www
 VG Name                vg1
 LV UUID                qEaBfH-1fg5-f7Qg-VHfZ-azNM-beaf-vNbljL
 LV Write Access        read/write
 LV Status              available
 # open                 1
 LV Size                400.00 GB
 Current LE             102400
 Segments               1
 Allocation             inherit
 Read ahead sectors     0
 Block device           254:6

I extended the LV /dev/vg1/www to +5GB and resized the ext3 partition again.
Still the File System is 6GB less than the LV below it.

ReiserFS Logical Volumes shows no problems By the way.

Could Some one please explain why this is the case with ext3 File System?

Also is the JFS 2.6 kernel BUG mentioned the the URL below fixed in
the current kernel for Etch?

Just thinking if I should switch to JFS from ext3 since it can be
extended while it is online and not disrupt the webserver running.
Since it is also fast and does not have the XFS problems of unclean
unmounts due power failures and so on.
websrv-1:/var/www# lvextend -L405G /dev/vg1/www
 Extending logical volume www to 405.00 GB
 Logical volume www successfully resized
websrv-1:/var/www# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             1.9G  139M  1.7G   8% /
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                   10M   40K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             274M   24M  237M   9% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg1-home  2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /home
/dev/mapper/vg1-tmp   2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg1-usr   5.0G  265M  4.8G   6% /usr
/dev/mapper/vg1-var    10G  190M  9.9G   2% /var
/dev/mapper/vg1-log    31G   45M   31G   1% /var/log
/dev/mapper/vg1-www   394G  199M  374G   1% /var/www
websrv-1:/var/www# cd /
websrv-1:/# umount /var/www/
websrv-1:/# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             1.9G  139M  1.7G   8% /
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                   10M   40K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             274M   24M  237M   9% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg1-home  2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /home
/dev/mapper/vg1-tmp   2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg1-usr   5.0G  265M  4.8G   6% /usr
/dev/mapper/vg1-var    10G  190M  9.9G   2% /var
/dev/mapper/vg1-log    31G   45M   31G   1% /var/log

websrv-1:/# e2fsck -f /dev/vg1/www
e2fsck 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
/dev/vg1/www: 19/52428800 files (5.3% non-contiguous), 1696065/104857600 blocks
websrv-1:/# resize2fs /dev/vg1/www
resize2fs 1.40-WIP (14-Nov-2006)
Resizing the filesystem on /dev/vg1/www to 106168320 (4k) blocks.
The filesystem on /dev/vg1/www is now 106168320 blocks long.

websrv-1:/# mount /var/www
websrv-1:/# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             1.9G  139M  1.7G   8% /
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /lib/init/rw
udev                   10M   40K   10M   1% /dev
tmpfs                 2.0G     0  2.0G   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1             274M   24M  237M   9% /boot
/dev/mapper/vg1-home  2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /home
/dev/mapper/vg1-tmp   2.0G   33M  2.0G   2% /tmp
/dev/mapper/vg1-usr   5.0G  265M  4.8G   6% /usr
/dev/mapper/vg1-var    10G  190M  9.9G   2% /var
/dev/mapper/vg1-log    31G   45M   31G   1% /var/log
/dev/mapper/vg1-www   399G  199M  379G   1% /var/www
websrv-1:/# lvdisplay /dev/vg1/www
 --- Logical volume ---
 LV Name                /dev/vg1/www
 VG Name                vg1
 LV UUID                qEaBfH-1fg5-f7Qg-VHfZ-azNM-beaf-vNbljL
 LV Write Access        read/write
 LV Status              available
 # open                 1
 LV Size                405.00 GB
 Current LE             103680
 Segments               2
 Allocation             inherit
 Read ahead sectors     0
 Block device           254:6

Thankyou So much :-)

Kind Regards


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