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Re: Relabel partition didn't work

Douglas Allan Tutty wrote the following on 06.04.2007 02:34:


> a partition lable and a mount point are two totally unrelated things,

That´s absolutly correct.

> almost.  Almost because there is a way (I don't do it, so I'll be vague)
> to use disk lables in fstab to refer to partitions instead of using
> device names (e.g. /dev/hda1).

To make use of the label in /etc/fstab use (according to this example)
LABEL=store      /store         ext3    defaults        0       2

instead of

/dev/hdb4       /store         ext3    defaults        0       2

to use it manually in cli:
/bin/mount LABEL=store /store


> Doug.

bye Thilo
i am on Ubuntu 2.6 KDE
- some friend of mine

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