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Re: [OT] Graphics programming

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 12:20:19PM -0500, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> >On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 01:51:03PM +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
> >>I would like to try some simple graphics programming on Linux --
> >>plotting points, lines, and arcs to a window, filling areas with
> >>colour, etc. Preferably with a C interface, something like what
> >>you could do with Turbo C on DOS in the 1980's.
> >>
> >>What would be the easiest system to do this? Should I learn Java?
> >>Or something else?
> >
> >Personally, I only program in two languages: Fortran and Python.  So I
> >would suggest python.
> Hey! I didn't know that! Did you see that the originator of Fortran John 
> Backus:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Backus
> recently died? I used to see him around when I was at IBM Research.


Have you read the origional Fortran for the 704?  Its a hoot (its on
ibm's website).  

I first started programming after I read 2001 A Space Audacy and wanted
to learn about calculating transfer orbits (neat that Bacus started out
calculating the position of the moon).

So I taught myself 3D trig and needed a better calculator.  So I taught
myself how to build a computer.  so I bought a case of Z80s, fast
static ram, built an 8-phase clock, built a 1KW 8V power supply
(everything was TTL, this was when I was 14 in 1980), and cobled up a
8-way Z80 (8 8-bit processors, at 8MHz), shared ram (no wait states) so
it could do 64-bit integers with a 64 MHz clock.  A couple of problems:
only programmable with a Hex keypad directly into ram (front-panel type
UI), and read with an LED hex display.  If the power died, everything
was gone.

Later when I had a PC, I learned Fortran.  With OS/2 I learned REXX,
with Linux I learned Python.  My pocket comp only knows BASIC.

But the lessons I learned from my first computer stayed: write a black
box: give it input and wait for output.  The neat thing is I can take
the same set of programmes to a bunch of boxes and it can farm the black
box programs out to each box as needed.  Its simple, easy to debug, and
it works.  Now that I'm on a *NIX, its the same philosophy.


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