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Re: Desktop user: Etch or the next testing?

Wei Chen:
> You know that Etch is about to release. This means that new features and
> software will not get into it any more.


> So what is a better choice now, to stick to Etch or to switch to the
> next testing? I am not sure which is more important for desktop users,
> stability or new features.

What's more important for /other/ people is hard to tell, unless we
don't know them better. In the end, everybody has to decide for

> I think there might be some people with similar problem/experience with
> me. What is your plan/suggestion?  Thank you.

If you are unsure, stick with etch for at least its first couple of
months as a stable release. Unstable and the new testing ("lenny") will
most probably suffer from a little breakage here and there since a lot
of changes will be pulled in at the same time. If you haven't
experienced this before, lean back and learn from other people's cries
for help on this list. :)

I am on the payroll of a company to whom I owe my undying gratitude.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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