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Re: /etc/blkid.tab, not static, why is it in /etc?

On Sun, 2007-04-01 at 14:32 -0400, Douglas Allan Tutty wrote:
> Why is /etc/blkid.tab in /etc?
> Its not static, but changes whenever I mount an USB stick.
> The policy FHS 2.3 (Etch) says that things in /etc must be static but
> that /etc/mtab is excepted for historical reasons.
> man blkid says that /etc/blkid.tab is a cachefile.  Shouldn't it be in
> /var/cache?

Same goes for mtab(mentioned), ls.so.cache, resolv.conf (when using
DHCP), passwd anytime someone changes info, shadow anytime someone
change their password, hosts.[allow|deny] when using them along with a
service protection daemon... others could be classified similarly.

Why? because everything has been looking there for ages.

Sure do a GR to move it. Then when it passes, force Debian to have Yet
Another Modification (YAM) for newbies to not know where something is
and then create a seriously OT thread about politics about how that
policy is so messed up, causing another "There is to much OT threads"
and "We need a REAL/PURE Debian Help List" messages. Or better yet, when
and analogy is used to explain something, some over-trumps and goes
further Off Topic to correct the analogy, which then transforms into a
discussion about re-writing the Constitution of the United States using
Yiddish, which then denigrates into YAOT Thread lasting three months
about why Yiddish isn't the best language, but Pig Latin is.

Sure, lets move it *all* to /var/cache, even /etc itself as it really
resides in disk cache anyway.

And you all wonder why OT threads come about so easily.
greg, greg@gregfolkert.net

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