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Re: GPG and Signing

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Marko Randjelovic wrote:
>>> P.S. I just setup Claws-Mail to use signing a few days ago. This thread
>>> looks like a good opportunity to start using it here.
>> Yep, and I noticed that that message was the first one you signed.  Now
>> your public key is in my keyring :).
>> Now you can send me encrypted mail (if you have my public key)!
>> Whoopie!  Like you really need to.
>> Joe
> How did you import th key? I use thunderbird and I clicked on a pencil
> icon, then I chose I want to import public key, accepted default value
> for keyserver, and than it shows some progress indicator that doesn't
> move from zero.
If you signed the message that I am replying to, I could explain in
great detail, as it is, I have to remember.

Since Andrei just posted a message, it makes it a bit easier.

The default key server that my system uses (and you can change this) is
hkp://subkeys.pgp.net and since he uploaded his key there, it was simple
for me to retrieve it.  If you're using a different key server, it is
possible that new keys have not propagated to it yet, and that would
explain why you can't validate the key.

There are a few people using this list that I have not been able to
retrieve keys for, but most everyone who post regularly and use pgp are
now in my keyring.


- --
Registerd Linux user #443289 at http://counter.li.org/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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