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Re: HOWTO make apt(itude) ignore dependencies

El sáb, 29-12-2007 a las 13:22 +0100, Dirk escribió:
> Hi,
> I had to compile libSDL myself after adding glFinish() into a certain
> place to stop the mouse lag I got since I upgraded to a better GFX card.

How did you do the install? You should have done it the debian way, that
is (if the package is in the repositories):
- $ aptitude install build-essential
- $ apt-get build-dep package
- $ apt-get source package
- $ cd package-version
- Make the modifications you need on the source code or modify the
configure options in the debian/rules file
- $ dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

Then you should have a deb package in the parent directory that you can
install with 'dpkg -i filename.deb'.

See sections 7.13 and 7.14 here:

> Now... how do I stop apt(itude) from breaking it? It insists to install
> the, for me, broken SDL to resolv dependencies.

I recommend uninstalling libSDL, compiling it and installing it as
described above.

> How can I force apt(itude) to ignore certain dependencies?

I don't think it's a good idea, but you can always use equivs (aptitude
show equivs).

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43
JID: gabrielp@xmpp.us

"The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice."

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