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Re: Could you recommend file manager that are not based on KDE and GNOME?

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On Sun, Nov 25, 2007 at 03:10:06AM -0800, Serena Cantor wrote:
> I have used Linux for 8 years.
> I have not found any suitable file manager(FM).
> I use twm. I don't use KDE or GNOME. so don't recommend any FM based on KDE or GNOME
> I still use command line. I will prefer GUI FM so my life can be a little easier.
> I use sarge and etch.

When I used to use GUIs (I am strictly console-only nowadays) I would
only touch pcmanfm for my file management needs. It's a very
lightweight, fast, GTK-powered Nautilus clone (Or at least it felt like
one to me). 

It's one of those packages that really doesn't get too much attention,
but definitely should; I found it to be a lot more usable than Rox or
Midnight Commander.

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If programmers deserve to be rewarded for creating innovative
programs, by the same token they deserve to be punished if they
restrict the use of these programs. 
 - Richard Stallman
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