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Re: netstat output evidence of a cracker?

El sáb, 10-11-2007 a las 12:46 +0000, Adam Hardy escribió:
> I can't see anything running on the server now that might be using those 
> ports, but then if it's rootkitted, I wouldn't would I? Is there a 
> website out there that I can use from outside my firewall which I can 
> get a good look at those ports with? Or some other approach?

There's a site called Shields-up that does what you need.

Gabriel Parrondo
GNU/Linux User #404138
GnuPG Public Key ID: BED7BF43
JID: gabrielp@xmpp.us

"The only difference between theory and practice is that, in theory, there's no difference between theory and practice."

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